Microsoft Entra ID Audit with PowerShell and Microsoft Graph: Detect Orphaned Apps & Secure Your Cloud

Introduction Organizations increasingly rely on Microsoft Entra ID to manage authentication and access for their cloud-based applications. However, over time, some applications become orphaned—no longer actively managed or monitored—posing potential security risks. To maintain security and compliance, IT administrators must routinely perform a Microsoft Entra ID audit with PowerShell, ensuring ownership is clearly assigned. This […]

Secure Mailbox Access with Microsoft Graph & Entra ID | 🚀 The Ultimate Guide

Introduction Managing mailbox access securely in a Microsoft 365 environment can be challenging, especially when dealing with automation and API-based access. This is where my PowerShell script comes in: a robust, secure, and dynamically adaptable way to provision an Entra ID application with granular access control to a single mailbox using Microsoft Graph and Exchange […]

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