Retrieve User Authentication Methods via Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Security is a crucial topic in any Microsoft 365 environment. As IT admins, one of our key responsibilities is ensuring that users have the right authentication methods configured, especially for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and passwordless sign-in. In this post, I’ll show you how to efficiently retrieve authentication methods for all users in your tenant using […]

New Microsoft Entra PowerShell Module Released – What IT Admins Need to Know!

Say Goodbye to AzureAD and MSOnline – It’s Time to Upgrade! Microsoft has officially announced the general availability (GA) of the new Microsoft Entra PowerShell Module! 🎉 This modern module is designed to replace the legacy AzureAD and MSOnline modules, aligning with modern authentication standards and security best practices. If you’re managing Microsoft Entra ID […]

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